Sermons 2006
"Light and Darkness", Christmas 2C, 31 December 2006, John 1:1-18
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day 2006
"What then shall we do?", Advent 3C , 17 December 2006, Luke 3:7-18
"Luke's Gospel", Advent 1C, 3 Dec 2006, Luke 21:25-31
Which Jesus? Proper 29B 2006, 26 November 2006, John 18:33-37
Apocalypticism and Fundamentalism, Proper 28B, 19 Nov 2006, Daniel12; Mark 13:14-23
"The Widow's Mite: All and Everything", Proper 27B, 12 November 2006, Mark 12:38-44
"The Commandments to love God, Neighbor, One Another" Proper 26B, 5 November 2006, Mark 12:28-34
"Sight -- and Seeing" Proper 25B, 29 October 2006, Mark 10:46-52
"Baptism: Overwhelming Washing", Proper 24B, 22 October 2006 Mark 10:35-45
"God's Transforming Love", Proper 23B, 15 October 2006, Mark 10:17-31
"Divorce", Proper 22B, 8 February 2006, Mark 10: 2-9
"Hard Sayings and Sharp Words", Proper 21B, 1 October 2006, Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48
"First or Last?" Proper 20B, 24 September 2006, Mark 9:30-37
"Unintended Consequences", Proper 19B, 17 September 2006, Mark 8:27-38
"Ephphatha! Open up!" Proper 18B, 10 September 2006, Mark 7:31-37
"Rituals", Proper 17B, 3 September 2006, Deuteronomy 4:1-9; Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23
"Choices." Proper 16B, 30 August 2006, Joshua 24:1-2a, 14-25; John 6:60-69
"Come to the Table." Proper 15B, 20 August 2006, John 6:53-59
"Do not be afraid." Proper 12B, 30 July 2006, Mark6:45-52
"General Convention and Jesus' Compassion", Proper 11B, 23 July 2006, Mark 6: 30-44
"Basics for the Journey", Proper 10B, 16 July 2006, Mark 6:7-13
"Jesus and Rejection", Proper 9B, 9 July 2006, Mark 6:1-6
"Trust, Faith, and Belief" Proper 8B, 2 July 2006, Mark 5:22-43
"Storms, Fear, and Faith" Proper 7B, 25 June 2006, Mark 4:35-41
Mighty things from Small, Proper 6B, 18 June 2006, Mark 4:26-34
Trinity, Pentecost 1, 11 June 2006, Exodus 3:1-6; John 3:1-16
The King Jesus Fire-Baptized Holy Spirit Church, Pentecost , 4 June, Acts 2:1-11; Jn 20:19-23
"That they may be one" General Convention 2006, Easter 7B 28 May 2006, John 5:9-15
"Friends, friendship, and love" Easter 6B, 21 May 2006, John 15:9-17
Mother's Day, two mothers' love!" Easter 5B, 14 April 2006, John 14:15-21
"Interesting, this Good Shepherd!" Easter 4B, 7 May 2006, John 10:11-16
"How do you prove you are alive?", Easter 3B, 30 April 2006, Luke 24:36b-48
"Do you believe because...." Easter 2B, 23 April 2006, John 20:19-31
"He goes before you to Galilee...." Easter B 2006, 16 April, Mark 16:1-8
"Journey into darkness", Palm Sunday B, 9 April 2006. Mark 11:1-11, 14:32-15:47
"Sir, we would see Jesus!" Lent 5B, 2 April 2006, John 12:20-33
"Miracles and Faith, Ordinary and Not", Lent 4B 2006, 26 March 2006, John 6:4-15
"Rage, Rampage, and Outrage", Lent 3B, 19 March 2006, John 2: 13-22
"Images of the Cross", Lent 2B, 12 March 2006, Mark 8:31-38
"Baptism, Temptation, Redemption," Lent 1B, 5 March 2005, Mark 1:9-13
Ash Wednesday , 1 March 2006, Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21
""Nanny McPhee' and transfiguration", Epiphany Last B, Mark 9:2-9
"Jesus, leprosy, and the law of Moses", Epiphany 6B, 12 February 2006, Mark 1:40-45
"Healing, wholeness, forgiveness, and love", Epiphany 5B, 5 February 2006, Mark 1:29-39
"Haints, Unclean spirits, and demons" Epiphany 4B, 22 January 2006, Mark 1:21-28
Epiphany 3B, 22 January 2006, "God's Call -- and Our Response", Mark 1:14-20
Epiphany 2B, 15 January 2006, "Call and Response", John 1:43-51
Epiphany 1B, 8 January 2006, "The Baptism of our Lord -- and Ours", Mark 1:7-11
The Holy Name, 1 January 2006, Luke 2: 15-21
Wicomico Parish Church
PO Box 70
Wicomico Church, Virginia 22579