Trinity B 2009
Trinity Sunday we speak boldly and as well as is humanly possible
about our faith in God and about how we perceive God. We do this even though
we may never do more than penetrate the outermost fringes of the great mystery of the Triune God.
We speak about God in the context of this world and of our experiences in it. We
are limited to this world, speaking about God who is not and therein lies the beginning of the difficulty. But God as Holy Spirit inspires us to speak in our limited way about God who is not limit.
As Christians, we believe that God is totally transcendent, perfect in every way, and ultimately completely beyond
our understanding and knowledge, all powerful, all knowing, unlimited in every way except by God’s own self. We also believe that God is also totally immanent, always here
among us as pervasive and abiding Spirit, like the air, that we might breathe in and breath out, guiding us to do only that
which is good, but allowing us through the gift of free will to do evil as well as good. Finally,
we believe that God is active in our lives, coming to us most of all in the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus,
whom we believe to be the Risen Christ. We
believe in one God perceived as God the Father, as God the Son, and as God the Holy Spirit, though we cannot understand how
that can be.
The threefold acclamation of the Lord God of hosts
as "Holy, Holy, Holy" suggests the emphasis on and great respect for the Lord
God as the revelation of God’s own self allowed the ancient Hebrews to begin to perceive God. Christians understand this as an early revelation of the threefold
being of God.
New Testament Greek in which most of the earliest development of our Christian theology was developed and expressed
the Trinity concept used plural forms to mean three ways of perceiving God. The
Greek came through Latin and into English as three persons.
We should more correctly speak about God on Trinity Sunday and throughout the year as "one in three" rather than as
"three in one," one God whom we perceive in three principal ways rather than as three whom we perceive as one. In dialogue with people who are Jews and Muslims, this is especially important. We Christians are monotheists,
not tri-theists.
Our Gospel for today allows us to speak from our hearts
about God as God is revealed to us. Our Christian traditions depict God as the
Father of Jesus and consequently as "Our Father." We can proclaim that
the Risen Christ is God for us. We believe that the Holy Spirit of God, the Spirit of God and the Spirit of Jesus, is among
us wherever and whenever God wishes. We cannot see God, but we can feel God the
Holy Spirit moving and shaking-- just as we cannot see the wind but we can hear it and we can feel it - and we can see the
effects of what God does. We believe that God certainly is revealed also in other
ways, but for us as Christians these three are by far the most important. For
in the end what we can believe is more important than what we can know about God.
From Saint Matthew: “Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had
directed them. 17When they saw him, they worshipped him; but
some doubted. 18And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority
in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and
of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey
everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to
the end of the age.’”
And Saint Paul’s benediction for the Corinthians: “May the
grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit of God be with all of you".
Adapted from Lectionary Scripture Notes for Trinity
Sunday (CSS Publishing) and internet sources