Sermons 2005
"The One who is coming after me", Advent 2B, 4 December 2005, Mark 1:1-8
"Stay awake. Be alert" Advent 1B, 27 November 2005, Mark13:24-37
"Black Hat vs White Hat" Proper 26A, 30 October 2005, Matthew 23:1-12
"Sheep and Goats -- again!" Proper 29A, 20 November 2005, Matthew 25:31-46
"The Greatest Commandment" Proper 25A, 23 October 2005 Matthew 22: 34-46
God and Caesar, Proper 24A, 16 October 2005, Matthew 22:15-22
The Wedding Banquet, Proper 23A, 9 October 2005, Matthew 22:1-14
The Landlord and the Tenants, Proper 22A , 2 October 2005, Matthew 21:33-43
"Who will go?" Proper 21A, 25 September 2005, Matthew 21:28-32
"The Last shall be first", Proper 20A, 18 September 2005, Matthew 20:1-16
"Forgiveness, grace, and mercy", Proper 19A, 11 September 2005, Matthew 18:21-35
"But who do YOU say that I am?" Proper 16A, 21 August 2005, Matthew 16:13-20
"O God, how can we sing to you...." Katrina Relief, 4 September 2005
"The kingdom of heaven is like...." Proper 12A, 24 July 2005, Matthew 13:31-33, 44-49a
"The wheat and the tares", Proper 11A, 17 July 2005, Matthew 13: 24-30, 36-43
"Ears to listen", Proper 10A, 10 July 2005, Matthew 15:1-9, 18-23
"A cup of cold water", Proper 8A, 26 June 2005, Matthew 10:34-42
"Heseth: lovingkindness, not sacrifice", Proper 5A , 5 June 2005, Matthew 9:9-13; Hosea 6:6
Trinity: A Theological Exploration, 22 May 2005, Matthew 28:16-20
The Baptism of Parker Benjamin Throckmorton, Pentecost Sunday, 15 May 2005
"Receive the Holy Spirit" Pentecost , 15 May 2005, John 20: 19-23
"Unity or schism?" Easter 7A, 8 May 2005, John 17:1-11
"Abide in me", Easter 6A, 1 May 2005, John 15:1-8
"The Way, the Truth, and the Life", Easter 5A , 24 April 2005, John 14:1-14
"Saint Thomas the Doubter", Easter 2A, 3 April 2005, John 20:19-31
"The Lord is Risen Indeed!", Easter A , 27 March 2005, Matthew 28:1-10; John 20:1-18
"The Shadow of the Cross", Passion Sunday A, 20 March 2005, Matthew 26:36-27:66
Raising of Lazarus", Lent 5A, 13 March 2005, Ezekiel 37:1-14; John 11:1-44
"Who are the blind?" Lent 4A, 6 March 2005, John 9:1-38
"Water and Living Water", Lent 3A, 27 February 2005, John 4:5-42
Baptized and Born Again", Lent 2A, 20 February 2005, John 3:1-17
Temptation and the Kingdom of God, Lent 1A, 13 February 2005, Matthew 4:1-11
"'Tis good to be here, " Epiphany Last A, 6 February 2005, Matthew 17:1-9
"Follow me!" Epiphany 3A, 23 January 2005, Matthew 4:12-23
"Come and See!" Epiphany 2A, 16 January 2005, John 1:29-41
The Baptism of our Lord -- and Ours, Epiphany 1A, 9 January 2005, Matthew 3:13-17
Christmas 2A: The Tsunami, God, and our Neighbor", Matthew 2, 2 January 2005
Next Sunday to be posted soon
Wicomico Parish Church, Wicomico Church, Virginia 22579