Traditions and Celebrations
Traditions exist in the life of any family, including our church family. Many of our traditions
we share with other Episcopal churches, such as our Pageant, Pancake Supper, Coffee Hour, and Annual Picnic. Potluck dinners
are forever popular, especially the Every Member Canvass Dinner, and the Annual Dinner.
Other traditions we have developed ourselves, including our Bagel and Grits Breakfast after
the 8 AM service, the annual fall Market Day and the Lasagne Dinner in the spring. We end our 10 AM service with a wonderful
hymn sung first by the choir and then by the congregation, and we celebrate birthdays and anniversaries with blessings, joy
and humor.
Joining a parish organization or group is a great way to meet
new people and get involved in an activity you enjoy. Many of our activities center around church life and worship while others
exist to raise funds to meet community needs. All include fellowship and fun and serve to strengthen the Christian community
we value here. Many other local groups also use our Parish Hall to meet, and would welcome your interest. Contact us for more
information and meeting times.
Episcopal Church Women (ECW) meet on the second Wednesday every month. There is a business meeting, socializing and
usually a speaker or program of interest. Additionally, the ladies mark the beginning of summer with a Luncheon, usually in
a parishioner’s home, and the Christmas season with a festive Brunch in the Parish Hall.
Men’s Breakfast is held on the first Saturday of every month. Sometimes there is a program, entertainment,
or a speaker, but mostly it is hearty fare and male fellowship. The men also hold spring and fall clean-up days to ready the
church grounds for the next season.
Choir rehearses on Tuesday morning every week and sings at the 10 AM service.
Special musical pieces are frequently offered, especially on church holy days.
And we have a congregation that loves to sing as well!
Lasagna Dinner is organized by the ECW but the servers are the men. It is held in the spring and open to the community.
The Parish Hall is transformed into a warm Italian restaurant.
Parish Market Day is a major ECW fundraiser, held on a Saturday morning in October.
The focus is on food - fresh bakery items, soups, chili, pot pies, venison sausages, jams, jellies and pickles –
all homemade. There is also a large yard sale, used books booth, and local vendors with cheese, meats, honey produce, flowers
and plants. The church is open for tours and we arrange for a guest lecturer
to join us. Everyone helps with this effort.
Committees include Outreach, Membership, Health and Wellness, Facilities and Church Grounds. Volunteers are always welcome. Outreach efforts include Meals on Wheels, Gleamers & Blenders / Meat Pick Up, Interfaith, as well as
many other organizations serving others in the Northern Neck. Many of our parishioners
participate in lay worship as well.