Meet the Rector
The Rev. W. Scott Dillard (M. Div., Virginia
Theological Seminary, 1993) was ordained deacon and priest following seminary. He is a retired US Army colonel of 26 years
command and staff service during which time he was an active layman, serving on vestries in New York and Virginia and contributing
as lector, lay reader, and chalicer in New York, Kansas and Virginia. In addition, he holds a Ph. D. in history from the University
of Washington and was tenured faculty in the Department of History at the United States Military Academy, West Point, New
York. While rector at Wicomico Parish Church, he also taught Comparative World Religions at Rappanannock Community College
for four years and American History for one year.
Scott believes strongly
in gospel based preaching and teaching. He is known for his pastoral care wherever and whenever it is needed - in parishioners'
homes, boats, hospital rooms, on street corners, as well as in the church on Sunday. He is also devoted to the concept that
the small church is the right size.
In February, 2001 the Bishop
of Virginia appointed him to a four year term as Dean of the 22-parish Lower Rappahannock Region (Region 2) of the Diocese
of Virginia. That appointment and term has now been completed.
Scott’s wife, Pauli,
has revitalized the Sunday School, and every Sunday, our young children follow her out of church during the sermon hymn to
their classroom in the Parish Hall. The number of students often expands during
visits of grandchildren to parishioners.
They have four children and five grandchildren. Both are avid sailors
on "Venerable", their classic 1966 Morgan 34. They have as companions an English Labrador Belle, who is spoiled but sweet
nonetheless, and two other sweet dogs of unknown origin and uncertain ancestry.
Administrator Deborah B. Campbell
Debbie was born in Southport, Connecticut and
was active in Trinity Episcopal Church throughout childhood. She earned a B.A. in Art History at Wheaton College in Massachussetts
and spent her junior year at Dartmouth (before women were admitted fulltime). She moved to Georgia and received her Masters
from Emory University. While raising her children she also worked as a consultant at Emory, and on the faculties of Pace Academy
and Marist School.
Debbie and her husband Bob are now enjoying life
on their 70 acre farm in Wicomico Church. They have restored their almost 100 year old farmhouse, planted gardens, and established
nature trails in their woodlands. The Campbells raise pastured, heirloom chickens for eggs, and have fun with their border
collies. Sunny days find them sailing their antique Soverel “Tupelo Honey” on the Chesapeake.
Choirmaster and Organist, Olivia Cockrell
is a native of the Northern Neck. She has been Organist and Choirmaster at Wicomico Parish Church for almost 20 years. She
also plays the harp and has a lovely singing voice.
who is the heart and soul of our music program, leads the choir in rehearsals on Tuesday mornings and during the 10 AM service
every Sunday. She initiated the Advent Lessons & Carols service, now a wonderful tradition in addition to Christmas
Lessons & Carols. The multitalented Olivia also holds a Coast Guard Master's license and has served as crew aboard menhaden
fishing vessels in the Chesapeake Bay, Atlantic Coast, and Gulf of Mexico.